Categories Cool spots

Cool Spot #4 in Barcelona: Plaza de Osca

This weekend, I met a few friends for after-work drinks in Plaza de Osca. I liked this plaza (Spanish for square) so much that I decided to make it number 4 on my list of cool spots in Barcelona.

Donde esta Plaza de Osca?

“Donde esta Plaza de Osca?” is Spanish for “Where is Plaza de Osca”? This Plaza is in Sants. My third cool spot is Barcelona’s High Line gardens, in the same neighbourhood.

Plaza de Osca is a hidden gem. It is closed to traffic and is only accessible on foot which helps to keep it somehow secret. It is one of the most traditional public squares in Sants.

Historically, Sants was a separate municipality before merging with Barcelona at the end of the 19th century. Plaza de Osca used to be the bustling market square of the neighbourhood. And it has maintained its market atmosphere.

A great spot to live like a local

It is a terrific spot to visit if you want to experiment with local life. Indeed, mainly locals come here though I have seen tourists as well. Plaza de Osca is ideal for experiencing the Spanish outdoor lifestyle: such as having a beer or sipping a vermut on a terrace with friends (or alone). Going for a vermut is the main reason I come here.

Incidentally, you can eat as well. There are plenty of delicious options from bars and restaurants scattered all over the square. The food here

ranges from hummus to pasta to Spanish tapas.

In the summer, the place is packed, however, sporting a lively vibe. We usually wait for tables to be available. But eventually, they do. On weekends, Plaza de Osca is even busier, so it is better to book a table in advance whenever possible.

One recommendation on Plaza de Osca

I have eaten at Vermut i a la Gabia here. The vermut is good, and the food (Catalan & Spanish-style tapas) is tasty and affordable. If you go, let me know what you think.

And if you want to learn more about the square, here is a link to a Spanish newspaper. It is in Spanish, though. Enjoy!