Warm Up with Majorcan Bonfires in Gracia

Since Thursday, there were some celebrations around Majorcan Bonfires in Gracia.

La “fiesta de las Hogueras de Sant Antoni” is indeed a street party imported from Mallorca that is now fully integrated into the Gracia neighbourhood’s cultural agenda. Celebrations in Mallorca were on January 17th, the day of the Saint’s death.

There will be all the activities usually related to street parties in Barcelona, among which human towers, troupes of devils, big head dances, concerts and traditional dances, and street food.

Majorcan Bonfires in Gracia on Saturday, January 28th

As per the name, bonfires will be lit on several squares in Gracia.

The main bonfire is ignited today, Saturday, at Plaza de la Virreina, at 21H. I have never attended this street party, but this is an opportunity to walk around and enjoy some popular culture.

Before, there will be a correfoc of cultural groups from Sa Pobla and Gràcia. They will accompany the dignitaries leaving the City hall and heading to Plaza de la Virreina.  

Afterwards, there will be a popular party from 23H with groups that interpret Balearic dances: boleros, jotas, fandangos and mateixes.

Bonfires on other squares in Gracia too

Other squares will also burn their bonfires and offer bread and typical products: lomo, longaniza and morcillas.

Other squares hosting bonfires are la Plaza de la Vila de Gracia, Plaza del Diamant, Plaça de Gato Pérez (Fraternitat de Baix), Fraternitat de Dalt, Puigmartí, plaça del Nord, Llibertat, Joan Blanques de Baix de Tot, Verdi, Tordera, Berga, and Sant Miquel i Mozart’s square.

Why this party?

This party celebrates Sant Antoni Abat, pets’Patron Saint.

Well, for us, it is a fantastic opportunity to party. And with this cold, I would not say no to a good bonfire. What about you? See you there?

Link (in Spanish) here.

Post edit 2023

I did not make it guys! I had a brunch in a very cool place which I will share with you after I test it a second time. As the brunch finished late, I did not make it to the party. But this is just a rain check. Keep an eye on the next street party for this winter, the Fiesta de Santa Eulalia. They are on in February.