Fiesta de Gracia 2015, One Happy Summer Streetfest

Summer in Barcelona will not be summer without one major event: the Fiesta de Gracia.

So what is the “Fiesta de Gracia” about?

The Fiesta (“party”) major de Gracia is the big annual party of the Gracia neighbourhood. It is a free event where everyone can wander around the streets of Gracia and admire the detailed, intricated, well thought out decorations presented in some of them.

The organisers provide maps that indicate the different attractions of the zone. Each street puts a lot of effort into their work as they enter a fierce competition to win the best-decorated street each year, always in August. Unfortunately, this year, they were not so lucky. On the first day, it rained. Thankfully, most of the papier-mache artwork survived the week.

In the 3 years, I have lived in Barcelona, this is the most impressive neighbourhood festival I have witnessed in the city. Each neighbourhood of Barcelona has its own street fest. The city of Barcelona also has its own street fest to celebrate its patron Saint, the Merce. In the Fiesta de Gracia, each competing street chooses a theme to decorate the streets with. And no joking, standards are really high.

I have five favourite streets this year: the Japanese street in Carrer Verdi, the Avatar street in Carrer Progres, the Art street in Carrer Mozart, the French street in Travessia Sant Antoni, and the cornfield in Carrer Tordera, really simple but visually effective with all the lighted up corn floating in the sky!!!

My top one is the Japanese theme in Carrer Verdi. They won this year. They regularly win this competition. The street was so popular, we got caught in a wave of people eager to see it last Sunday. First, we passed through the Japanese entrance gate. And then, we saw a dragon floating. Two giant statues were guarding the back of the street. It was really well done.

Some features of the Fiesta de Gracia

During the week, there are also various events that celebrate Catalan culture. Two of them I really like are:

  • the “correfocs” or devils parade with fireworks. The protagonists dress up as devils, then light up flares and throw bangers in the streets. It is fun. And it is more fun to go under the flares. Every time I watch a correfoc, the street makes me think of a war zone. That is because of the bangers noise, the sparkles from the flares and the smoke coming out of the whole set. Also, to protect themselves from the burning sparkles and the smoke, everyone covers their faces with scarfs and heads with hoods. They do it for a good reason, though. The last time I was dancing under the fireworks, I suffered from severe burns for three days, and I had to throw my dress away. So make sure you cover any unprotected skin.
  • The “Castells” or human towers: they are impressive. First, you have the strongest members at the bottom to support the whole structure, usually adults. Then smaller sized members go on top to form a pyramid (generally teenagers and kids). When they decide they are high enough, a small kid climbs nimbly to the top, remains proudly up there for a few seconds and then climb back down as fast as heshe climbed up in the first place. They fascinate me with the strength and sense of unity demonstrated by the whole group. And this little kid that was completely unafraid of heights…It is pretty risky up there…

Other things happening during the Fiesta de Gracia

During the week, various shows and concerts are happening. I had a desperate friend because she spent sleepless nights for 7 days (then had to go to work in the morning. Aie Aie!). I can understand. We come to this neighbourhood to enjoy ourselves.  Then we go home. But what can I do? This is a price to pay, unfortunately, to live in Gracia.

You can dance in the different squares to lindy hop or lambada, depending on the DJ. There are also street food and beers available everywhere. We used to get mojitos and beers, then walk around, then buy more drinks, then stop in front of a band, then keep on going on like this until the end of the night!

That party is over now. But the Fiesta de Sants has started this weekend, so let’s keep the party going!

PS: I put up more photos of the Fiesta de Gracia on my Facebook page here!