My name is T – yes my close friends do call me that :). I have been living in Barcelona for the past 9 years.
Citizen of the world (this is the 4th country I live in), I dropped my bags here in an attempt to enjoy the sweet Mediterranean life full of sun and long lunches, and so they say…
To be honest, at first, I have not been very impressed by the city. But then, I explored it. I walked it. I lived it. I joined activities. I spent time with family and friends enjoying the things that make a nice life here: going for a vermut, spending time at the beach, going to street parties, attending music festivals, hiking around Catalunya among others.
And now, well… I love it more and more. Hence this blog. A witness to my turnaround and to my fresh new eye on Barcelona. I am only talking about the places and the things I like to do in Barcelona. I hope you will enjoy the blog as much as I enjoy writing it.