Categories Living in Barcelona

Hello 2021!

Happy new year to you all! 13 days into January, and I hope everything is good so far.

I have seen on social media that many hope for the best for 2021 after a sh**ty 2020. I had a good 2020 year. But I can understand why 2020 is associated with negative experiences for many.

I believe things will be better in 2021. Even if Covid-19 is now an integral part of our lives, we have learned to deal with it daily. We became more resilient, we adapted, and life went on. Maybe not the way we wanted, but life went on.

As such, things can only get better. Unless, of course, we get an alien attack or the rise of the zombies. Let us hope not. I am mentioning this because I saw one of those viral videos about a man landing in another one’s apartment during confinement.

He wore a futuristic uniform and then asked the owner of the place if we were the year of COVID or the year of the zombies. It seemed he travelled through time to our era. The contemporary man, horrified, exclaimed: “the year of the zombie???” See? Things could be worse.

Again, happy 2021 everyone! May your wishes come true, and keep faith that the best is yet to come.