Last Week for Open Air Movies in Sala Montjuic, Hurry!

A bit short notice, but this week is the last week of open-air movies in Sala Montjuic. During this yearly event, you can watch a movie on the grounds outside Montjuic Castle while having a picnic, some drinks or both!!! Let’s have it all!

Sample movies at Sala Montjuic

On Monday, we went to see “Mandarinas”, a fantastic Estonian/Georgian movie, with a not-so-Hollywoodian ending. 

Tonight’s movie is a classic, “The silence of the lambs.” And on Friday, the last day of the season, there will be the usual surprise movie. The organisers usually leave a clue about the surprise movie on their Facebook page.

For more details, don’t forget to check out Sala Montjuic’s website! And to read last year’s review on Sala Montjuic, click here: Open-air cinema in Sala Montjuic with The kid.